Inviting Members and Creating Departments: Invite Members and Create Departments


Inviting Members 

In the Inmanage application, it is very easy to invite new members to your organization. Here are the steps you need to follow to invite members: 

1. Click on the “Organization” Button in the Sidebar: Click on the “Organization” button in the left side menu. This will redirect you to the organization management page. 

2. Open the “Members” Page: On the organization page, click on the “Members” tab. In this tab, you can see your existing members and add new members. 

3. Click on the “Invite Member” Button: Start sending new member invitations by clicking on the “Invite Member” button in the upper right corner. 

4. Enter Email Addresses: Enter the email addresses of the people you want to invite. If you want to invite more than one person, you can list their email addresses separated by commas. 

5. Determine Roles and Authorizations: Choose what roles the members you will invite will have within the organization. When determining roles, consider organizational needs and the competencies of the person invited. 

6. Send Invitations: After entering all the information and determining the roles, send the invitations by clicking the “Send Invitation” button. The people you invite will be able to join your organization by clicking on the invitation link sent to their e-mail address. 


Things to Consider When Inviting Members: 

* Using the Correct E-mail Address: Make sure the e-mail addresses are written correctly. . 

* Proper Role Assignment: Make sure invited people are given the correct roles and authorities. Incorrect role assignments may lead to authority confusion within the organization. 

* Track Invitation Status: By monitoring the status of the invitations you send, you can use the option to resend invitations that are not accepted. 


Department Creation 

Inmanage You can make management and workflow more efficient by creating different departments in your organization. Here are the steps you need to take to create a department: 

1. Click on the “Organization” Button in the Sidebar: Click on the “Organization” button in the left side menu. This will redirect you to the organization management page. 

2. Open the “Departments” Page: On the organization page, click the “Departments” tab. This tab allows you to view existing departments and add new departments. 

3. Click on the “Add New Department” Button: Start the process of creating a new department by clicking on the “Add New Department” button in the upper right corner. 

4. Specify Department Name: In the window that opens, enter the name of the department you want to create. The department name should reflect the duties and responsibilities of the department. 

5. Select Department Leader: Select a leader for the department.The department leader is the person who will be responsible for the management of this department. You can appoint one of the existing members as the department leader. 

6. Add Department Members: Select the members you want to include in the department. When selecting members, consider the needs of the department and the competencies of the members. 

7. Save and Create: After entering all the information, create the department by clicking the “Save and Create” button. Your new department will be listed on the organization page. 


Things to Consider When Creating a Department: 

* Department Names: Department names should clearly reflect the duties and responsibilities of the relevant department. 

* Leader Selection: Department leader Make sure that the person selected has leadership qualities and competencies to meet the needs of the department. 

* Member Selection: The members you will add to the department must have competencies that will contribute to the functioning of the department. 

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